About vitamins, minerals and fibre in sprouts and microplants

Sprouts and microplants are true nutritional sources due to their increased amount of vitamins and minerals.

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About macronutrients in sprouts and microplants (carbohydrates, proteins, fats).

The energy in the seed is stored as protein, fat and carbohydrates. In chia, sunflower and sesame seeds for example, fat is the dominant nutrient and makes up to half of the seed's content. However, vegetables seeds such as peas, lentils and beans have only about 1% fat. Instead, they contain more carbohydrates, as do cereal seeds such as quinoa and buckwheat.

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Hydroponics, about war, peace and Planet Mars

In modern times, more so since 1900, we see a lot of documentation from China about the cultivation of sprout vegetables. Sprouts, rich in vitamins and nutrients, are a vital source of food in China, especially in winter and in colder northern regions where other types of vegetables are not available.

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How do sprouts release so many nutrients ?

Seeds are little nutrient bombs full of protein, fibre and minerals and these in the form of sprouts and microplants release up to 40 times more nutrients than conventionally grown plants.

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Why do we only use organic seeds for Babylon Garden ?

The motto "Health is homemade" defines our mission to provide the healthiest sprouts and microplant cultures at affordable prices to the general public in a way that is most sustainable for our planet. 

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What are the differences between hydroponic / aquaponic and soil-grown crops ?

Hydroponics or aquaponics is a method of growing plants directly in a pond of water without using soil. A vertical medium is used to support the sprouts or micro-plants (sand, gravel, hemp).

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In what situations is using nutrients a good idea ?

You may have wondered why sprouts and microplants grown in the Babylon Garden system don't need nutrients, while most traditional agricultural crops can't grow without them.

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Why do we need live vegetables and hydroponic crops ?

Spicy radishes, shiny ruccola, tasty broccoli...we can hardly find them in the supermarket !

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What do we need to know about the handling of seeds to grow microgreens?

One of the strengths is the quality of our seeds, which only come from controlled and certified Italian supply chains. We are always confident that we can guarantee the best products for Babylon Garden customers. Before being introduced to the market, each batch of seeds undergoes several accredited tests precisely to ensure the best germination rate, quality, and organic certification.

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