Why do we need live vegetables and hydroponic crops ?

Live vegetables, why are they so important and hard to find ?

Spicy radishes, shiny ruccola, tasty broccoli...we can hardly find them in the supermarket !

It is ideal to eat sprouts and microplants immediately after harvesting as the amount of nutrients is at its maximum. This starts to decrease after about 24 hours after removal from the growing medium.

Somehow half-heartedly, I picked, tasted and looked over the labels of vegetables smothered in plastic packaging in the supermarket. I was struck by the colour variety of the microplants which denoted that they were not exactly fresh. How far we have strayed from the farming practiced by our grandparents, for the sake of seeking convenience...unfortunately this has severed our ancestral connection with nature.

Could there not be a high-tech but low-cost solution for millions of people?

The Babylon Garden system is based on the principles of hydroponics, ensuring the development of the precursors of a truly healthy diet.

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