Bruschetta with avocado and microgreens

Chef John is with us again and proposes delicious bruschetta with avocado and Daikon radish microplants,

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Avocado stuffed with tuna and micro mustard greens

Chef John proposes a tasty aperitif made of avocado and mustard microplants.

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Chicken with orange or lemon sauce and radish microgreens

Chef John suggests a delicious recipe with chicken and orange/lemon sauce.

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Main dish

Babylon Garden System presentation and microplant tasting at Invest Hub launch event.

We were very pleased to be partners in the Invest Hub launch event, the first in Romania for entrepreneurs and investors in Cluj-Napoca !

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Burger with pea sprouts

Chef John invites you to a delicious Burger with pea sprouts.

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Main dish

Warm salad with chickpeas and Fenugreek microplants

We have invited Chef John again to present a warm chickpea salad with Fenugreek microplants.

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Main dish

Pasta with microplants and flavoured oil

Chef John invites you to prepare together a recipe of pasta with microplants and flavoured oil.

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Main dish

Why use hemp as a hydroponic growing medium for Babylon Garden ?

Hemp is a plant known for its health benefits, being an important source of protein, fibre and essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6. In addition, hemp contains other essential nutrients such as vitamins B and E, iron, magnesium and zinc.

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Hydroponic agriculture, a viable solution to help feed the global population

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in which the roots are grown in a soilless medium such as water, sand or special substrates (hemp) and nutrients, often optional, are provided in solution. This growing method is increasingly used worldwide, especially in urban areas or where soil quality is poor or limited.

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