What do you need to know about handling seeds for germination?

All batches of seeds sold under the Babylon Garden brand are subjected to the most rigorous tests by multiple European agencies in the field, so that we can guarantee you both certified organic seeds, a fantastic germination rate, and the absence of bacteria in the seeds.

Sprouts grow best in dark, moist spaces at room temperature. Unfortunately, these can also be favorable conditions for the development of bacteria and mold, if we do not take into account a few important aspects.

  1. Always wash your hands before handling the seeds and touching the sprouts.
  2. Remove damaged seeds and other debris, if any.
  3. Use only cool, clean water to rinse and soak the seeds.
  4. Do not soak the seeds longer than specified in the Babylon Garden application.
  5. Do not allow the seeds to soak or germinate in excessively hot or cold spaces.
  6. Make sure that the container in which you put the seeds to soak (Ex: mug) and later to germinate (Ishkar tray) is clean.
  7. Also, rinse them thoroughly after soaking. Even then, watch out for seeds that look different. Maybe they didn't hydrate like the others, or maybe they're a different color. If so, discard them.
  8. Utensils used for sprouting must be impeccably clean. Wash utensils after use, preferably in a dishwasher.
  9. Wash Ishtar trays, racks and Babylon Garden lids thoroughly after each use.
  10. Many types of seeds develop mini-roots during the germination stage, and this white fluff can easily be mistaken for gray mold.
  11. Make sure the germinating seeds have adequate ventilation.

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