- Main dish
- Christmas, Christmas Gift, Gift, Hydroponic System, Present, Christmas Present

Chef John is with us again to prepare and enjoy together the delicious fried potatoes.
The microplants in the recipe were grown in the Babylon Garden System from certified organic seeds.
Ingredients for 2 people:
- 4 medium potatoes (approx. 600 g)
- 2 tablespoons Parmesan or Grana Padano
- 1 teaspoon paprika (sweet or spicy, according to preference)
- 1 Ishtar tray microgreens of your choice
- 10-12 teaspoons corn or potato starch
- 1 teaspoon green parsley, dried or fresh
- 100 g sliced mozzarella
- olive oil
- salt, pepper
Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin rounds, then leave them in cold water for about 5 minutes. Rinse, then add salt, pepper, parmesan, paprika, parsley, starch and mix well. The composition thus obtained is left for 5-7 min, after which it is divided into 2 equal pans.
Put olive oil in the pans and place the potatoes separately in a single layer for roasting. The potatoes must all be placed in the 2 pans before turning on the heat. They must be covered with a lid and the condensation must be constantly wiped from the inner surface with a napkin in order not to wet the potatoes.
They are fried in the form of pies, on both sides, after which mozzarella is sprinkled on one of them, then the microplants. Place the second potato pie on top and turn once more.
It is served warm.